MacWorld 1998 September
Macworld (1998-09).dmg
Shareware World
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<!--This file created 3/7/98 12:59 am by Claris Home Page version 2.0-->
<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="images/splash.GIF" WIDTH=205 HEIGHT=275
X-SAS-UseImageWidth X-SAS-UseImageHeight ALIGN=bottom></CENTER></P>
<P><B><FONT SIZE="+2"> </FONT></B></P>
<H4><CENTER><B><FONT SIZE="+2">Vector Graphics: Image Tracing,
Morphing Animator</FONT></B></CENTER></H4>
<H3> </H3>
<H3><CENTER>You don't need to spend alot of time producing Quicktime
<P> </P>
<H4><CENTER>Double Click on the "Intro" file.</CENTER></H4>
<P> </P>
<P>This document contains:</P>
<LI>What is TRACER?
<LI>Description of a worked example
<LI>Other programs
<P>Etchelon TRACER provides a useful tool for Quicktime development
for animated movies. It uses VITMA (Vector graphics, Image Tracing
Morphing Animation) to develop animated movies quickly for multimedia
applications. Morphing, special effects and animation can also be
applied to existing Quicktime movies.</P>
<P>Speed of development is TRACER's main benefit.</P>
<P>Clean line drawings can be traced from a PICT image to allow rapid
development of high quality vector graphics. TRACER will morph from
any TRACER-frame-of-vector-graphics (hereafter known as a "frame") to
any other to provide animation, morphing or special effects.</P>
<LI>Animation in-fill between key frames.
<LI>Morph animation from a frame to any other frame.
<LI>Rapid development of vector graphics from bit mapped images.
<LI>Ability to experiment with outline animations in "real time".
<LI>Build up layers of animation to develop sophisticated
multi-object movies.
<LI>Easy-to-use drag-and-drop frame-copying and animation
<LI><B>(New for version 1.1)</B> Morphing Text!
<P>Etchelon TRACER is full featured shareware and is not
<P>TRACER outputs multiple files in PICT format. Separate programs
(see below) allow the development of Quicktime Animations and
overlays onto existing Quicktime movies.</P>
<P>TRACER has 35 frames (key frames). Each frame are made up of
points drawn together to form "contours". Contours can be
colour-filled to form a "filled shape". All frames use the same main
window. The main window title gives the frame number.</P>
<P>A contour is a vector graphic containing straight lines or curves
of a single colour. There is a limit of 600 points in a frame. Each
frame can have a separate "Trace image" - the image is only used for
<P> </P>
<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="images/screen%20info.GIF" WIDTH=544 HEIGHT=427
X-SAS-UseImageWidth X-SAS-UseImageHeight ALIGN=bottom></CENTER></P>
<P>This section covers the Menus, Drawing, Morphing and Sequencing
<H3><CENTER>File Menu</CENTER></H3>
<P><B>File Menu Commands</B>
<P>New (N)
<P>Open empty TRACER document.
<P>Clear Frame
<P>Clears current frame of all contours.
<P>Clear Trace Image
<P>Clears the image associated with current frame.
<P>Close (W)
<P>Close TRACER document.
<P>Open (O)
<P>Opens a TRACER file of frames.
<P>Open Trace Image
<P>Opens a PICT file for the current frame - this image is
used for tracing only.
<P>Save (S)
<P>Saves a TRACER file of frames.
<P>Save As
<P>Saves all frames in a TRACER file with a new name.
<P>Export Frame Image
<P>Saves current frame as a PICT image (useful for "onion
skin" tracing)
<P>Export Frame Data
<P>Exports the current frame of data in ASCII.
<P>Import Frame Data
<P>Append exported frame data into current frame.
<P>Quit (Q)
<P>Quits the program.
<H3><CENTER><B>Edit Menu</B></CENTER></H3>
<P>Undo (Z), Cut (X), Copy (C), Paste (V), Select All (A) and
Clear work with text fields.</P>
<P><B>Edit Menu Commands</B>
<P>Undo (Z)
<P>Restores drawing and removes last edit or contour
addition. This is a single level undo. Frequent saves are
<P>Cut (X)
<P>Cuts selected contour (when contour first selected - see
"Drawing" below).
<P>Copy (C)
<P>Copies selected contour (when contour first selected).
<P>Paste (V)
<P>Pastes the contours in the buffer to the frame at exactly
the same coordinates as the original selected contour.
<P>Bring to Front (B)
<P>Moves the currently selected contour to the front drawing
position (see Structure and Append Contour commands).
<P>Send to Back (K)
<P>Moves the currently selected contour to the back drawing
position (see Structure command).
<H3><CENTER>View Menu</CENTER></H3>
<P><B>View Menu Commands</B>
<P>Display Image (\)
<P>Switch on or off image. This command helps with contour
tracing with an image underneath.
<P>Display Contour (/)
<P>Switch on or off contours. This command helps with
contour tracing with an image below.
<P>Display Filled Shape (D)
<P>Switch on or off filled-shape viewing. This command is
helpful when tracing and morphing - switch off for a smooth
line drawing morph.
<P>Display Outline
<P>Displays shapes with an outline colour (selectable in the
Draw Menu). Warning: filled shapes of a white colour are
invisible unless this option is on.
<P>Bold lines on or off. When Bold is off, all lines are one
pixel wide. This command also available on palette where
different line thicknesses can be selected.
<P>Zoom In
<P>View contours in finer detail. Command also available on
palette where further zoom scales can be selected.
<P>Zoom Out
<P>Return to full size. Command also available on palette.
<P>Switches on or off a grid for drawing assistance.
<H3><CENTER><B>Draw Menu</B></CENTER></H3>
<P><B>Draw Menu Commands</B>
<P>Pen (I)
<P>Enables or disables Pen Mode which allows drawing. Cursor
changes to Pen cursor. (See "Drawing" below). This command
is also available from the palette.
<P>Append to Contour
<P>Resumes drawing, appending to the "front" contour (see
Structure command).
<P>Next Point (J)
<P>Amend next point during Edit mode. (See "Drawing" below)
<P>Circle / Polygon Tools
<P>Changes the palette to the Draw Tool Bar. This allow
entry of squares, circles and regular polygons.
<P>Fill Shape (Y)
<P>Fills a shape formed from contour lines with currently
selected colour. This option is best selected just before
completing the contour or during Edit mode (see "Drawing"
below). Note that this option is only available from the
menu or using the menu shorthand (Y)
<P>Changes line type to one of two types of arc or a
straight line: can be used in Pen mode or Edit mode. (See
"Drawing" below).
<P>Colour (U)
<P>Changes colour to one of eight colours within the frame's
colour table: can be used in Pen mode or Edit mode. (See
"Drawing" below). Colour can also be changed on the palette
during pen mode.
<P>Outline Colour (L)
<P>Changes a filled shape's outline colour to one of eight
colours. (Colour change can be seen on the palette during
pen mode).
<P>Text (T)
<P>Inserts letter and number shaped contours. When this
option is selected, the cursor changes to a pointer with a
letter "a". Position and size the text by a click and drag
action with the cursor. A window will appear to allow text
entry. Select "OK" to insert the text.
<P>Inverts all contours in current frame along a vertical
<P>Mirrors all contours in current frame along a horizontal
<H3><CENTER><B>Frame Menu</B></CENTER></H3>
<P><B>Frame Menu Commands</B>
<P>Next Frame (=)
<P>Move to next frame. This command is also available from
the palette.
<P>Previous Frame (-)
<P>Move to previous frame. This command is also available
from the palette.
<P>First frame (1)
<P>Go to first frame.
<P>Last frame (0)
<P>Go to last frame.
<P>Frame Control (F)
<P>Opens a window which allows drag and drop copying of
frames, drag and drop changing of frame colour table,
changing of colours within tables and frame deletion. The
cursor changes to indicate function available (eg hand or
pointer) (If the cursor does not change when over different
parts of the window, click on the window header bar to make
the window active).
<P>Open structure window displaying sequence of contours in
frame. The highest numbered contour is the front contour.
This sequence is very important for animation. For
animation, frames the sequence of contours in both source
and destination frames must correspond exactly otherwise
morphing destroys the animation illusion.
<P>Save Frame Size
<P>The frame window size can be altered by dragging the
window from the bottom right hand corner. This menu option
"remembers" the window size - this is very important if you
plan to combine animations from different files! This
information is stored when the data set is saved.
<P>Restore frame size
<P>This option restores the window size to the saved frame
<H3><CENTER><B>Morph Menu</B></CENTER></H3>
<P><B>Morph Menu Commands</B>
<P>Morph (M)
<P>Morph current frame with next frame. This command is also
available from the palette (Morph icon). The speed of morph
is determined by the speed of your machine, the complexity
of the frame, whether shape fill is selected and the number
of transitions within the morph. Only the latter is
important as far as Quicktime is concerned. The other
factors affect playback of morph sequences (such as the
"Intro" file).
<P>Sequence (E)
<P>Open Sequence Control Drag and Drop Window. (See
Sequencing below).
<P>Run Sequence (G)
<P>Executes sequence control statements. This command is
also available from the palette (Robot icon). For long
sequences, the control can be aborted by re-selecting the
menu option. Sequences can be fast forwarded by depressing
the SHIFT key. (This removes any delays in the sequence and
cuts the number of steps in transitions).
<P>Output to file
<P>Prompts for filename for output. All subsequent morphs
are recorded until this option is selected again whereupon
the animation is saved to a sequence of files. Use the PICT
to Movie utility (or similar utility) to create QT movies.
<P> </P>
<P>TRACER works in several Drawing Modes</P>
<LI>Selection mode - cursor is the usual arrow.
<LI><B>Pen Mode </B>- cursor is a pen - click to put pen down or
form a point, double click (or SPACE) for pen up. Enter and exit
by Menu, I or palette controls
<LI><B>Edit mode</B> - cursor is a cross, allows contour resizing,
repositioning, colour change, shape fill, cut and paste. Enter by
selecting a contour point. Exit by selecting blank space.
<LI><B>Point Edit Mode</B> - cursor is diagonal cross, allow point
position changes, line-to-arc changes, colour changes and shape
fill. Enter Edit mode from contour selected mode by clicking a
point. Exit by clicking blank space.
<P>Information messages and the different cursor will guide you
through the Drawing Modes.</P>
<H3><CENTER>Creating Contours</CENTER></H3>
<P>Selecting the pen command from either the menu, I or by clicking
the pen icon on the palette, starts Pen Mode and allows contour line
drawing. The palette will change to show the pen X, Y position on
screen and also allows changing the colour and pen thickness.</P>
<P>Mouse clicks provide break points on the contour. The Arc (R)
command bends the current contour line. DELETE removes the last line.
The SPACE bar or a double-click ends a contour (pen up) and the next
mouse click is pen down and so on, until the pen mode is cancelled
(by I or clicking on the palette).</P>
<P>Contours can be "traced" over a base image - in fact, this feature
will save a great deal of time and aid in producing good quality art
<P> </P>
<H3><CENTER>Resizing, Repositioning and Rotation</CENTER></H3>
<P>With the pointer cursor, contours can be selected, moved, rotated
or re-sized. Selected contours can also be cut, copied or moved
within the frame structure (i.e. moved to back or front).</P>
<P>To select a contour, either:</P>
<LI>click on a contour point, or
<LI>encompass an area containing a contour by click and drag.
<P>If you encompass all contours in the frame, this causes all
contours to be selected (Same as A) and allows all contours to be
resized, repositioned and rotated.</P>
<P>The cursor will change when it positioned over any control point.
The cursor will change to a diagonal cross when it is positioned over
a contour point. When a contour is selected contour points are
highlighted and a boundary box around the contour is displayed. The
contour can be cut, copied, moved to back or front. Holding down the
mouse key when the cursor is on any corner of the boundary box (the
cursor will be a bold cross) allows the contour to be re-sized.
Holding down the mouse key when the cursor is on the boundary box
edges allows the contour to be repositioned - the cursor will be a
hand. Holding down the mouse key when the cursor is on the
highlighted bottom circle on the boundary edge allows the contour to
be rotated - again the cursor will change, this time to a rotate
<P>While the contour is selected its colour can be changed (U) or it
can be switched to a filled shape (Y) or back to an outline shape.
<P> </P>
<P>Zoom can be selected from the palette or menu - further zoom is
possible, or return back to standard size. Click on the palette
direction icon will move the frame in the selected direction. (Filled
Shape Display is automatically disabled during zoom moves but it can
be re-enable once you have scrolled to the area of interest).</P>
<H3><CENTER>Contour Changes</CENTER></H3>
<P>Having selected a contour, clicking on a contour point allows
editing of the point positions. The cursor will change to reflect
Edit mode. The contour can be modified at that point. Edit mode will
continue if points (on any contour) are selected (and changed). Also
while in this mode, the line<B> </B>drawn <B>before</B> the selected
point can be changed to an arc (R) or the whole contour's colour can
be changed (U) or the contour can be changed to/from a filled
polygon (Y).</P>
<P>Edit mode is entered after resizing, repositioning or rotation, to
perform another resizing, repositioning or rotation action, click on
empty space and re-select the contour.</P>
<P> </P>
<H3><CENTER>Other Controls</CENTER></H3>
<P>Other controls on the palette can change the frame to the next
frame or previous frame or Morph forward. The Robot icon starts an
animation sequence. (Sequencing is described below).</P>
<P>Hold the SHIFT key down, and further options are available:</P>
<LI>Display Circle/Polygon Drawing Tools (as per menu option).
Described further below.
<LI>Go to first frame.
<LI>Go to last frame.
<LI>Mirror (as per menu option).
<LI>Morph backwards
<LI>Fast forward sequence.
<H3><CENTER>Circle/Polygon Drawing Tools</CENTER></H3>
<P>The Palette also provides additional drawing tools:</P>
<LI>Outline/Filled Squares
<LI>Outline/Filled Circles
<LI>Outline/Filled Regular polygons
<LI>The ability to change the number of points within the polygon:
Pentagons, Hexagons, Septagons, Octogons etc up to 20 sided
<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="images/draw%20tool.GIF" WIDTH=417 HEIGHT=140
X-SAS-UseImageWidth X-SAS-UseImageHeight ALIGN=bottom></CENTER></P>
<P>This palette is entered either via the palette which is displayed
when the SHIFT key is depressed or from the Draw/ Circle-Polygon
Tools Menu Option.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Sequencing is performed dragging and dropping frames within the
Morph Sequence Control window (Morph/Sequence Menu Option (E). To
start a sequence of morphs from say, frame 1 to frame 5 to frame 2,
hold the mouse down over frame 1, drag it to frame 5 and release.
Pick up frame 2 and drag it to frame 2. Control language statements
will appear in the text field on the right hand side of the window.
The sequence is played by the Morph/Run Sequence menu option (G) or
Robot icon on the palette.</P>
<P>The number of transitions per morph is set by the scroll bar on
the right. Adjust the scroll bar before performing the drag and drop
otherwise, edit the YYY figure in the @tNN/YYY command.</P>
<P>For most circumstances this is all you'll need. For those who need
more precise control, there is a simple set of control instructions.
A sequence control instruction statement looks like this:</P>
<P>which means morph from frame 1 to frame 5.</P>
<P>The sequence instructions exist in blocks of 255 characters and
have the same general format:</P>
<P>and are separated by a colon ":" or end of block. The @ character
is required before all commands. If no @ is found the rest of the
line in the block is ignored.</P>
<P>The list of commands are as follows:</P>
<P>switch bold to thickness NN
<P>Copy frame contents NN to MM. Used for creating temporary
frames for scaling, rotations and offsets.
<P>Do not display filled shapes during morph
<P>Display filled shapes during morph
<P>Morph from frame NN to MM
<P>Offset frame NN by YY factor. Frame NN must be a copied
frame (see @c command)
<P>Stops the control sequence.
<P>Rotate frame NN by RR degrees
<P>Rotate frame NN by -RR degress
<P>Scale frame NN by YY factor where 10=small and 90=large.
(50 has no affect).
<P>Change number of transition steps on frame NN to YYY
<P> </P>
<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="images/face.GIF%20copy" WIDTH=306 HEIGHT=274
X-SAS-UseImageWidth X-SAS-UseImageHeight ALIGN=bottom></CENTER></P>
<H2><CENTER><B>Worked Example</B></CENTER></H2>
<LI>Find a PICT file, such as a picture of a face, and load the
image on frame 1.
<LI>Alter the size of the frame window to match the image.
<LI>Trace an outline of the main features: jaw-line, eyes, mouth,
nose using the Pen tool (Draw Menu/Pen Item). (Remember the SPACE
bar to lift the pen between contours).
<LI>Select Frame Control (under the Frame Menu).
<LI>Click and drag frame 1 onto frame 2. Frame 1 is copied to
Frame 2. Do the same for Frame 3.
<LI>Close the window.
<LI>Move to frame 2 (using palette tool or Frame Menu/Next Frame)
<LI>Click on a point to enter edit mode. Move a contour.
<LI>Click on a point to enter edit mode. Change a point position.
<LI>Move to frame 3 and make further changes.
<LI>Select Morph Sequence Control window (Morph Menu/Sequence)
<LI>Click and drag frame 1 onto frame 2. Click and drag frame 2
onto frame 3. Click and drag frame 3 onto frame 1. Note sequence
instructions appear in edit box on the right.
<LI>Close the window.
<LI>Click on the Robot Icon on the palette to view the animation
<LI>Select "Output to File" from Morph Menu. Enter the root file
name and location where the output PICT files will be saved. Each
file's name will a three digit number appended.
<LI>Click on the Robot Icon again. Note the Window title reflects
the output file name during the morph.
<LI>When the animation completes. De-select "Output to File" from
Morph Menu.
<LI>Each animated PICT file can be viewed using SimpleText.
<LI>Load the PICT files into a Quicktime creation program such as
PICTs-to-Movie. Play the Quicktime movie using Apple's Movie
Player or equivalent.
<LI>Alternatively add a background PICT or series of background
PICTs using Backgrounder (see below) before creating the Quicktime
<H3> </H3>
<H2><CENTER>Other Programs</CENTER></H2>
<H3><CENTER>Movie to PICT</CENTER></H3>
<P>To work upon existing Quicktime Movies, use Movie-to-PICT to
generate the Quicktime Movie as a series of PICT files. Use selected
images as "key frames" within TRACER and build up animation and morph
sequeunces with the number of transition steps to match the numbered
files generated by Movie-to-PICT. Backgrounder and PICTs-to-Movie
will rebuild the quicktime movie with your animation superimposed.
Note that any sound track is lost and would have to be re-dubbed by
another software utility.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>TRACER produces Line drawings and simple filled-shape animation.
To provide more sophisticated animations, you can use "Backgrounder"
which adds a Background picture. Instructions are provided in the
program. The background does not have to be static, a moving
background can also be added (for example, the files created by Movie
to PICT). Indeed the output of backgrounder can be later used as its
own input to allow multiple layers of animation.</P>
<P>Backgrounder relies upon sequence numbers for both moving
background images and foreground images. The sequence numbers do not
have to be aligned or even the same quantity. Experiment and see.
<P> </P>
<P>PICTs to Movie is a Freeware package to convert the output of
TRACER to a Quicktime movie. It is available as a separate product
from the Info-Mac Archives and thanks go to David Rees to allow it to
be distributed with TRACER. Comments about this program should be
addressed to him. Despite what it says in the program itself, a more
up-to-date address for David Rees is: "drees@altorsys.com".</P>
<H2><CENTER>System Requirements</CENTER></H2>
<P> </P>
<P>TRACER will run on both 68nnn and PowerPC systems. It has been
tested on MacOS 7.5.5, System 8.0 and System 8.1. It requires at
least 1.5Mb of RAM. TRACER requires a colour Macintosh (probably with
a 13 inch monitor screen). Tracer produces lots of output files, it
is recommended to ruthlessly delete these output files once you have
finalised your Quicktime movie. It If limitations within the software
are stopping you, let me know and I'll see what I can do!</P>
<P>Bug reports are welcome. Please send them to etchelon@kagi.com.
<P>Other programs you will need are: Apple's SimpleTEXT to view
output from Tracer. To view and edit Quicktime Movies, you will
require Apple Quicktime Movie Player. A paint program such as that
provided by Apple-Works is also useful.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Etchelon TRACER is licensed for use for 30 days after which time
you should be expected to pay the registration fee. The registration
fee is low and easily paid through the Kagi payment system.
Registration information can be found in the file "TRACER
Registration". You can pay for Tracer via kagi online by following
this link<FONT SIZE="-1">
</FONT><A HREF="http://order.kagi.com/?GDT">here</A><FONT
<P>Etchelon TRACER can be freely distributed providing that this file
and all programs are not changed and also included in the
distribution. The correct operation of this program cannot be
<P>New versions can be found at:</P>
<P><A HREF="http://website.lineone.net/~andy.pritchard">http://website.lineone.net/~andy.pritchard</A>
<P>If you are pleased with any work you've developed using TRACER and
want to share it with other TRACER users, send a TRACER file to me at
etchelon@kagi.com and I'll put it on my web page.</P>
<P>TRACER for Macintosh (c)1998 Andy Pritchard.</P>
<P>Splash screen art work by Andy Pritchard and Robert Covington.
<P>Quicktime (c) Apple Computers.</P>
<P>PICTS to Movie (c) David Rees</P>
<H2><CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1">Thanks</FONT></CENTER></H2>
<P><CENTER>Thanks to Staz, Robert Covington, David Rees, Peter Cone,
Paul Treadwell , Bill Michael and the FB List members.</CENTER></P>